Monday 30 November 2009

this is another edited phot of my horse zack this is the rainbow effect i used on this photo

this is yet another edited photo of my horse

this is another edited photo of my horse
this is a picture of my horse that i edited on photshop
this is a low angle shot of a statue i like to call "the slinky" its down by the key side , it shows great detail in the lines of the slinky

this is a mid shot of my friends horse this has a great shadow to it
this is a mid shot of my horse zack out on a drive i think this is great because it has this horse shadow in it .

~ Low ~Angle ~ Shot ~

this low angle shot of a statue at gateshead i think this shot is very creative

Friday 23 October 2009

~ Extreme ~ Wide ~ Shot ~

This is an extreme wide shot of the open university building across the road from the college

Tuesday 20 October 2009

~ mid ~ shot ~ 2 ~

this is a mid shot of my horse zack , I like this shot because hes looks alert.

~ low ~ angle ~ shot ~ 2 ~

this is a low angle shot of my friends horse taffy , I think its great because it makes him look great and powerful.

~ wide ~ shot ~

this is a mid shot of my horse 'ginger' yes thats right ginger , my father thought it would be a great unique name , this is him laying down after a hard days work .

~ head ~ shot ~

this is a head shot of my horse zack I wish I could have got his ears in the shot aswel because it would have made it better

~ mid ~ shot ~

this is a picture taken on my phone of my horse in the moonlight , I wish I had of had my digital camera with me because it would have been a better shot , but I think its great anyways

~ low ~angle ~shot

This is a picture of my horse walter , I love this picture because its was one of those quick!! roll over and take the shot types , I was layed on the floor whilst taking this photo , It would hve been better is i was further under the horse but I couldnt for health and safety.

~ medium ~ shot ~

I just saw this on the wall whilst walking through a tunnel in gateshead and I thought I just have to have this shot I think its great.

~ Angle ~ Shot ~

I chose to take this photo on and angle because I wanted to make the picture spooky but different by putting an angle on it making it unusual.